Frequently asked questions:
If my child is booked into the afternoon club until 6.00 p.m. can I collect before that time?
You may collect your child at any time you wish before 6.00 p.m. We do have to be off the premises by 6.00 p.m. as that is when the premises officer locks up. Likewise in the mornings you perhaps will not need to drop your child off until 8.30 a.m. on the way to work. This is fine, however you will still be charged for the whole breakfast session.
What charges will I incur if I am late collecting my child?
If children are regularly late being collected (after 6.00 p.m.) we reserve the right to charge late collection fees of £1.00/minute.
I will have 2 children attending, is there any discount for the second child?
Yes, we will give a 10% discount for the second and any subsequent children.
How many children will be at the club?
We are registered with Ofsted to take 24 children aged 3-8 years, so there could be 24 children under 8 attending each session. We can also take over 8 year olds as long as the total number of children attending does not exceed 24.
What if my child is invited to play at a friend’s house/is away on a school trip/is playing sport for the school etc.
The place will still have to be paid for and the club informed that your child would not be there on that date.
I have childcare vouchers from the company I work for. Am I able to use them towards the Out of School Club fees?
Yes. Please check with Suzie that they are acceptable, as we might need to register before we can accept them, but we should be able to take them in full/part payment of the fees.
How do I get in touch with the club?
Telephone us on the Out of School Club Mobile – 07982 573737 if you wish to book your child into the club, or your child is not attending the club that day due to illness. You may leave a message on the answer phone and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. You may also try: Suzie’s home phone – 01664 434316 or Suzie’s Mobile – 07805 122861