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Growing with hope; serving with compassion; transforming with humility. Romans 12 

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Admissions Policies and Procedures 

We welcome applications for places here at Frisby C of E Primary School and visits from parents and pupils too.

Admissions are coordinated by the Local Authority (LA). Places are allocated according to our Admissions policy. 

First time admission into school

  • Please see our Admissions Policy for your child's year of admission (below).
  • Please apply online to Leicestershire County Council LA at or contact 0116 305 6684 if you need a paper form.
  • LA letters are sent out on 11th April informing you of the outcome of your school place application. 

Mid-Term Applications

  • Please see our admissions policy for your child's year of admission.
  • Please apply online to the LA at or contact 0116 305 6684 if you need a paper form.

Applications and visits are welcomed and can be organised at any time of the year. Please contact the school office on 01664 434429 or by email at

It is a good idea to call us before making contact with the LA so that we can advise you if there is any space in your child's year group. You can still apply but would be refused a place if there is not a space. You would then have to follow the appeals process should you be unsuccessful. For information about the appeals process please see the attached link to Leicester Dioces Appeals:

Admissions & Appeals – Leicester Diocesan Board of Education

Please see the policies and application form below: