At Frisby C of E Primary School, it is our intention that P.E. will be delivered via high-quality lessons that are fun, engaging and will inspire all pupils to lead physically active lives. We aim to maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement in the area of PE, enabling them to know more about physical activity and how it is a key component of a healthy lifestyle.
We benefit from the expertise of specialist coaches from Urban Movement once a week. Our experienced teachers also have the skills and expertise to deliver high quality, fun and engaging sessions in a variety of sports.
We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness, whilst boosting self-confidence, self-esteem and supporting the development of social skills; encouraging all children to become successful, lifelong learners.
We are aware that research has shown a direct link between children’s physical and mental health and, therefore, we aim to provide experiences that will inspire pupils to not only develop physically but ensure mental wellbeing and a desire to succeed.
As children move through school, knowledge and skills are built upon and learning takes place sequentially. Our curriculum is designed in a way that enables the teachers to have the flexibility to ensure that the children develop knowledge and skills through the use of a wide range of sports.
Early Years
• To focus on developing gross and fine motor skills through 5 key Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) – Run, Jump, Hop, Throw & Catch.
• To continue to develop the children’s FMS following on from a baseline of 10 FMS as the children enter Year 1 - Run, Jump, Hop, Throw, Catch, Skip, Galloping, Kick, Roll & Overarm Throw.
• To teach children how to apply these skills in a context.
• To develop their knowledge of simple tactics in game-type activities delivered through Core Tasks.
• To develop attacking skills through a range of different sports and activities delivered through initially uneven sides i.e. 3V1, 4V2, building up to even sides i.e. 4V4, 5V5 etc. by Year 6.
• To develop children’s performance and sequencing skills.
• To progress to playing in intra-school games competitions and, for some children, inter-school competitions.
• All the skills are applied through the relevant tasks within lessons, which are linked to age expectations.
• Our curriculum has been carefully developed to support pupils building their knowledge and applying that knowledge as skills.
• Teachers deliver the knowledge and skills required in each discipline throughout a series of lessons and these skills are built upon and developed by the sports specialists from Urban Movement.
• The curriculum map is updated on an annual basis to allow for this progression.
• Children’s outcomes will be assessed through the relevant tasks during lessons.
• Children will take part in both intra and inter-school games competitions.